Monday, January 19, 2009

The American Nordic Walking System

Bill's post about Nordic Walking is packed with proven facts and includes some of the many benefits of walking with Nordic Walking Poles.

True Nordic Walking really does burn up to 40% more calories than regular walking. Because ALL ages and ALL fitness levels can benefit from using Nordic Walking Poles we developed the American Nordic Walking System - because not everybody needs to be locked into a mandatory full arm extension and intense push-off.

The American Nordic Walking System developed three basic levels. All levels radically reduce the stress to the shins, knees, hips and back.Level 1 burns 20% more calories than regular walking and makes walking doable again for individuals with balance issues, shins splints, knee, hip and back issues.

Level 1 Nordic Walking is similar to regular hiking. And because a full arm extension is not required or is putting extreme pressure into straps, individuals with arthritis, scoleosis, carpal tunnel, rotor cuff and other issues can successfully walk at Level 1. Even individuals with MS, Parkinson’s and Neuropathy find the 4-Wheel-Drive action of Level 1 Nordic Walking much more comfortable and effective than walking with a cane or walker.

Level 2 burns up to 30% more calories than regular walking and includes a full arm extension. This full arm extension automatically increases stride length and tempo – all at the same time re-enforcing improved walking posture (shoulders back and hips forward). When switching from Level 1 (casual Nordic Walking) to Level 2 it is like shifting gears in a car.Level 3 is true Nordic Walking and burns up to 40% more calories than regular walking. Most Americans find Level 3 a little intense, but it really does most simulate cross country skiing.

Level 3 includes the full arm extension, a firm pole plant and pressure into the cradle of the Nordic Walking straps (through the heel of the hand). As with Levels 1 and 2, Level 3 re-enforces good posture when done correctly.Effectively performing these three basic levels of Nordic Walking requires the perfect length Nordic Walking poles and poles that are equipped with real Nordic Walking straps. My favorite straps are patented by the Salomon Ski Company. There are many cheap imitation straps out on the market and many cheap twist-locking adjustable length/telescoping/collapsible poles. One-piece poles have proven to be safer, lighter and much more durable than cheap twist-locking poles.For more info about the American Nordic Walking System contact: WWW.SKIWALKING.COM - all 14 lengths in-stock and ready to ship. Free Nordic Walking DVD included.


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